Mark Stephenson

Visual artist and designer

Pen And Ink



Mark Stephenson, January 23 2023

For the last little while I've been enjoying watching birds. Started just before COVID hit and then it's become a real hobby for me.  I've been taking pictures, setting up bird-feeders and I've been painting and drawing some birds I've seen. The photography side has been a lot of fun and I'll post some pics sometime soon (some are on instagram)....

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First drawing from 2020!

Mark, January 17 2020

My first life drawing from 2020 and first time using this the Golden high flow Dioxazine purple colour I picked up just before the holidays. Pen and ink on hot press board, 14in x 20in.

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Couple drawings from 2019

Mark, December 27 2019

Lots going on this year with a move and work but I have been getting out to do some life drawing here and there this year. Here are a couple recent pen and ink drawings. Tried out a new Holbien acrylic ink for this one, flows nice, great colour. Pen and Ink on 140lb hot pressed paper, 20" x 14"

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OAC Luck

Mark, November 24 2019

(image above: a pen and ink drawing I've donated to Luck 2019) I'm proud to be participating in the Ottawa Arts Council's annual fundraiser Luck. Luck takes place on Thursday, Dec 5, 2019 from 6:00PM to 9:00PM at The Studio, Arts Court, 2 Daly Ave., Ottawa Artists donate works and the Ottawa Arts Council sells tickets, each ticket guarantees you an...

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Wilf and Ada's, "Eclectic Nine"

Mark, September 19 2019

A friend of mine Jennifer Ford has curated a small show of works at Wilf and Asd's, a little restaurant at 510 Bank St in Ottawa.  That's my pen and in drawing in the middle. Here is the list of the artists in the show, go check it out while it's up.

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Part and Parcel

Mark Stephenson, November 23 2018

November 23, 2018 – January 2, 2019, Ottawa Art Gallery I have a couple pen and ink life drawings in the Ottawa Art Gallery Part and Parcel holiday show. This show features works by over 50 local and regional artists and makers, it's a great opportunity for holiday gift shopping.

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