Mark Stephenson

Visual artist and designer

Mark, November 24 2019

OAC Luck

(image above: a pen and ink drawing I've donated to Luck 2019)

I'm proud to be participating in the Ottawa Arts Council's annual fundraiser Luck. 

Luck takes place on Thursday, Dec 5, 2019 from 6:00PM to 9:00PM at The Studio, Arts Court, 2 Daly Ave., Ottawa

Artists donate works and the Ottawa Arts Council sells tickets, each ticket guarantees you an artwork, which one is a matter of luck. When your card is drawn you get to pick. It's a great deal for art collectors, the ticket price is often much less than any of the works would cost.

Go get yourself a ticket and help support the arts in Ottawa.

I'm proud to be included amongst these amazing artists:

Jovita Akahome, Pansee Atta, Karen Bailey, Amy Barker, Lauren Boucher, Heather Campbell, Joyce Crago, Lisa Creskey, Marc Dubois, Christopher Lea Dunning, Pat Durr, Brianna Fitzgerald, Christine Fitzgerald, Tami Galili, Christopher Griffin, Anna Griffiths, Greta Grip, Robert Hinchley, Danny Hussey, Lindsay Irene, RJ Jones, Sayward Johnson, Olivia Johnston, Clara Kim, Gillian King, Alexia Kokozaki, Lilly Koltun, Jamie Kronick, Joy Kardish, Helene Lacelle, Sharon Lafferty, Charlynne Lafontaine, Charlene Lau-Ahier, Natasha Mazurka, Jenny McMaster, Andrew Morrow, Emily Neufeld, Kosisochukwu Nnebe, Patti Normand, Eryn O’Neill, Neeko Paluzzi, Christos Pantieras, Barry Pottle, Bozica Radjenovic, Benjamin Rodger, Ruth Secunda, Gabriel Séguin, Pauline Semaan, Peter Shmelzer, Mark Stephenson, Rémi Thériault, Amy Thompson, Wendo Van Essen, Sharon VanStarkenburg, Tavi Weisz, Joyce Westrop, Melanie Yugo, Michael Zavachy

Go get yourself a ticket and help support the arts in Ottawa.

Check out this year's Luck gallery to see what artwork will be available.

See you there!

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Previous Wilf and Ada's, "Eclectic Nine"
Next Couple drawings from 2019
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