Mark Stephenson
Mark Stephenson
Visual artist and designer
A few of the paintings I've done outside of specific projects like Social Portraits.
Here is a Cardinal I know; he is a regular in my yard all year long. He has a bit of attitude and is often on look out, making sure things are safe for his mate. He has a little chip out of his beak, so I know it's him. He is also quite sensitive, you can on occasion see see him feeding his soul mate. He uses this regular perch and sometimes the wind hits his peak in such a way you just know, this one is a rockstar.
Rockstar by Mark Stephenson, oil on canvas, 24x36in, 2024.
$4000 – Contact me if you are interested
A male Ruby-crowned Kinglet. These tiny, elusive birds are often found nestled on the inner branches of shrubs and small trees are a joy to see and hear. Here we have a male I spotted at Beaver Pond with it’s ruby-red crown peaking out, a rare sight.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Beaver pond by Mark Stephenson, oil on panel, 12x12in, 2024.
$1500 – Contact me if you are interested
I spotted a Great Blue Heron between the reeds at Beaver Pond. There was a light breeze and the water looked emerald green reflecting the lush green trees and reeds. The back lighting and reflections created this natural halo around the Heron, how could I resist, I snapped a photo and got to the studio.
Great Blue Heron between the reeds at Beaver pond by Mark Stephenson, oil on panel, 20x20in, 2024.
$2500 – Contact me if you are interested
A male Common Yellowthroat warbler that I met ona walk around Beaver Pond in Kanata. These are beautiful small songbirds with a bright yellow breastand olive colouring.
Common Yellowthroat at Beaver pond by Mark Stephenson, oil on panel, 12x12in, 2023. Framed in a custom white oak floater frame.
$1500 – Contact me if you are interested
A skateboard created for the Beyond the Pale All Hands on Deck 2023 fundraiser that supported Operation Come Home. I love this fundraiser; it gets a great artist turnout and sees 200+ boards each year. This board has a Great Blue Heron from Beaver Pond.
Great blue heron from Beaver Park by Mark Stephenson, acrylic on skateboard, 8x32in, 2023
A skateboard created for the Beyond the Pale All Hands on Deck 2022 fundraiser for the Red Cross to help support those in Ukraine. I love this fundraiser; it gets a great artist turnout and sees 200+ boards each year. This board has a White-breasted Warbler that was a regular in my backyard.
White breasted warbler for Ukraine by Mark Stephenson, acrylic on skateboard, 8x32in, 2022.
A self portrait created during a time reflection and healing. Painting this portrait helped me find a positive path forward.
Windows of opportunity (self portrait) by Mark Stephenson, oil on canvas, 2015