Mark Stephenson

Visual artist and designer

Hipster Monocle

I spy with my little eye...

... and sometimes you just need an alternative to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

A fun project poking fun at photo sharing apps like Instagram and Facebook. The HipsterMonocle is a small laser cut monocle like object with a handle and interchangeable lenses. The monocle adopts the square photo format, rounds the corners and even has filters.

The project has had a couple commissions; one for the Creative Cities Summit in Ottawa in 2013 and for a fundraiser for Nuit Blanche Ottawa + Gatineau 2014. For the NBOG fundraiser a new version of the monocle was created with specific connection to the theme of Detour.

What's that you need a HipsterMonocle, let me know, I might have have a couple around.

The NBOG HipsterMonocle

Hipsters caught in the act

Media & exhibition history

Media Coverage:

Instagram real life with Mark Stephenson’s HipsterMonocle


The Hipster Monocle has commission by:

Creative Cities Conference 2013

Nuit Blanche Ottawa + Gatineau 2014

Thank you

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